About us

Who are we?
The Dansstage is organized by several volunteers who create this festival together. You can find out who we are and what our tasks are below. We’ve also listed our favorite dances, so if one of these are played during the weekend, do not hesitate to ask us for a dance!

Meta Truus – Miss Colour Code
After a year as Oppertruus (when the MAXes were still called Truus), Berber also started contributing to the organization. In the months before the Dansstage, she responds to emails. During the Dansstage, she will be responsible for filling all hungry mouths!
Favorite dance: Waltz

Sound goblin – Keybearer
Lucas makes sure all technical (and audio) related matters will go as smoothly as possible. Furthermore, he is also responsible for things that have to do with the location itself.
Favorite dance: Polska

Greedy dragon – Coin enthusiast
Eveline is all about collecting and spending coin as treasurer of the Dansstage. She is also all-knowing: she handles registrations and participant questions.
Favorite dance: Polska

Omniscient hedgehog – Form wizard
After organizing the Junushoff balls for several years, Renske was eager to join the Dansstage team this year. She keeps track of registrations, and will answer all your burning questions. She is also back-up treasurer and will coordinate the first aid team.
Favorite dance: Bal Limousine

Chatty selkie – Novelist
Didi manages our website and social media. With a smooth writing style and a healthy dose of creativity, she ensures that all the texts on our website and social media are comprehensive and engaging. She also translates everything.
Favorite dance: Grabbelton