Program Overview


Time Activity Location
17u00-20u00 Check-in, time to prepare beds Vrijhof, Foyer, Log Cabins
20u00-20u30 Official welcome speech Audiozaal
20u30-22u00 Workshop 1 Audiozaal, Agora, Amphitheatre, Kleine Zaal, Sportcenter
22u30-02u00 Bal with Bal de l’Aube,
Simone Botasso
02u00-03u00 Afterparty Audiozaal, Foyer


Time Activity Location
08u30-09u00 Wake up Log Cabins
09u00-10u00 Breakfast Theatercafé, Foyer
10u00-13u00 Workshop 2 Audiozaal, Agora, Amphitheatre, Kleine Zaal, Sports Centre
13u00-14u30 Lunch break Theatercafé, Foyer
13u30-14u15 Lunch concert Amphitheater
14u30-17u30 Workshop 3 Audiozaal, Agora, Amphitheatre, Kleine Zaal, Sports Centre
18u00-19u30 Dinner Theatercafé, Foyer
19u30-20u30 Workshop 4 Agora, Amphitheatre, Kleine Zaal, Sports Centre
20u30-02u30 Open Bal Audiozaal, Agora
02u30-03u00 Afterparty Audiozaal, Foyer


Time Activity Location
09u00-09u30 Wake up, taking luggage to the Vrijhof Log cabins, Foyer
09u30-10u30 Breakfast Theatercafé, Foyer
10u30-12u30 Workshop 5 Audiozaal, Agora, Amphitheatre, Kleine Zaal, Sports Centre
12u30-13u30 Lunch Theatercafé, Foyer
13u30-15u30 Bal with KV Express Audiozaal
15u30-16u00 Central closing activity Audiozaal

* This program is a preliminary impression. Times and events might be changed.